How to Use and Troubleshoot Washing Machine Diagnostic Mode

Washing Machine Diagnostic Mode

How to Use and Troubleshoot Washing Machine Diagnostic Mode

Laundry days are sometimes fun, but then they can also be a little lazy and boring. We all dislike the laundry day where we have to take care of that Mount Everest that’s been sitting and staring at you all week. But you know what’s more frustrating? When you load the machine, add the detergent, and start the cycle, only for it to not start. Your washing machine throws a tantrum, screams with strange noises, and flashes codes at you that look like aliens are trying to contact you. 

We have been there and deciphered that language. So don’t go running to Google and read a thousand blogs that don’t give you a straight answer. This blog, in simple ways, will tell you all about washing machines’ unique way of asking for help. The codes you see? That is your washing machine’s diagnostic mode. If the washing machine is the tantrum-throwing child, then this mode is the mother telling you what’s wrong. 

The Secret Language- Diagnostic Mode 

Think of diagnostic mode as your washing machine’s version of a medical checkup. Your washing machine feels something is not right, and ends up throwing a tantrum. It is making noises, moving when the cycle is active and whatnot, only to find a sock being stuck in the drum. Actually, this is a true story. 

Basically, the diagnostic mode is your washing machine’s troubleshooting system. To make it simple for you to understand, your machine has a tiny mechanic inside it that will flash your codes and tell you what’s wrong. And trust us, understanding these codes can save you from those costly repair bills.

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Getting Into Detective Mode

Before you start pressing buttons like you’re trying to launch a space shuttle, let us tell you how to enter your washing machine’s diagnostic mode: 

First things first- grab your machine’s manual. I know it’s probably stuffed in that drawer with all the other manuals you never read (we all have one), but different brands have different codes.

Samsung’s codes might be Greek to LG, you never know.  

Once you’ve got the manual, here’s the general process for your washing machine’s troubleshooting: 

  • Turn your program selector and dial one full rotation, i.e., 360 degrees. 
  • Press a specific combination of buttons. Usually, it is Start, Pause, and Spin together. 
  • Watch for blinking lights. That’s your machine’s way of saying “I’m ready to talk!”. 

Cracking The Code 

Let’s decode some of the most common error codes that can show up in your washing machine’s diagnostic mode: 

  • E01: The Door Drama 

This one is usually your machine telling you that the door isn’t properly closed. Nine times out of ten, it’s a sock. Well, been there. Check for any fabric caught in the seal, and make sure nothing is blocking the lock mechanism. 

  • E02: Water Woes 

When you see this, your machine is basically saying “I’m thirsty!”. Check if your water supply is fully turned on. It could be the simplest of things stuck or just a simple twisted hose or half-closed water valve. Just look around! 

  • E03: Drainage Dilemma 

This is your machine’s way of saying “Help, I’m clogged!”. Usually, it’s because something is the drain pump. Want a pro tip? Check those pockets before washing. The sheer amount of coins and bobby pins waiting to be rescued from drain pumps is kind of crazy. 

  • E04: Motor Mayhem

This is the big one – motor problems. While you can try a reset (unplug for 5 minutes, then plug back in), this usually needs professional attention. Don’t try to channel your inner mechanic on this one. We have heard about a lot of DIY attempts that end not-so-nicely. 

Related: How Long Should Your Front Load Washer Last?

Washing Machine Troubleshooting: Do It Like A Pro

 When your washing machine is acting up, you can totally be your own repair detective! 

  • Not Starting?

Panic later, check the basics. You’d be amazed how often the solution is as simple as a loose plug or a tripped circuit breaker. Just double triple check the basics before announcing your machine is dead. 

  • Water Won’t Drain? 

Start with the obvious- check for blockages. Socks, toys, and a lot of things can get stuck in the drain pump. It will surprise you! Clean out the filter, and make sure your drain hose isn’t kinked like a garden hose. 

  • Spin Cycle Shenanigans? 

If your washing machine is dancing more than spinning, you’ve probably got an unbalanced load. Spread out those heavy wet jeans and towels – they love to cluster together like teenagers at a mall. 

  • Weird Noises? 

If your washing machine is doing its best impression of a rock band, then something is loose or stuck. Use your washing machine’s diagnostic mode to pinpoint the problem area. But if you hear anything that sounds like metal on metal, then stop the machine immediately – that’s never good news.  

Related: Do Dryer Balls Actually Work? Effective Laundry Solution 


There it is! A complete guide to mastering your washing machine’s diagnostics mode and tackling laundry mishaps like a pro! By knowing this information, you can help your washer in a much better way and even extend its life. This will also help you save your wallet from all those expensive repair bills. Along with this, remember to maintain your washing machine. A little care mixed with the magic of diagnostic mode will keep your washing machine running smoothly for longer. You should also make sure that if your washing machine’s troubleshooting is getting out of your hands, call for an expert technician. Tech Angels provides the best washer repair services in Vancouver. Don’t hesitate to decide what’s best for your machine!